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Being Brown, I see the world through a different lens. As I encounter other brown friends, I find commonality. But in our differences, I find strength in hearing about the ways they have preserved by being bold.

This podcast is a storytelling platform that highlights brown folks doing amazing things in their corner of the world.

You are so welcome to step into our world and hear our perspective, ways we’ve battled and overcome. Be it external or internal forces.

What the world needs now is love, but until we truly know each other, we can’t love deeply.

Hear from inspiration guests who have had a journey filled with highs and lows.  We will step away from the “highlights reel” and hear personal stories that have grown them to be more than what they thought they’d be.

So join us on our journey being brown and bold.

Being Brown, I see the world through a different lens. As I encounter other brown friends, I find commonality. But in our differences, I find strength in hearing about the ways they have preserved by being bold. More

Ep. #1 Anjali aka Beextravegant! She is a full-time content creator with close to a million followers across social media. WATCH HERE

Ep. #2 Catherine Dayal is a social media influencer, digital content creator, and columnist based out of Mumbai and the US. WATCH HERE

Ep. #3 Kevin Wilson (@crossculturalkev) is known as the CEO of chai, which is the beverage that launched him onto the social media celebrity scene. WATCH HERE

Ep #4 Eliza Keyton is an education professional who has worked across the US, UAE, South Korea, and Vietnam since 2009. To many in social media, she is known as Elikutty! WATCH HERE LISTEN HERE

Ep #5 Monica Sunny is the founder and CEO of The Chai Box, an ethical and sustainable tea company that specializes in hand-blended loose-leaf chai blends and small-batch chai concentrate. WATCH HERE

Ep #6 Shruthi Parker is a digital content creator with thousands of followers on social media. She has used her voice to help thousands across her platforms. WATCH HERE

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